Sunday Services Time 9 & 11 am, on 5th Sundays 10 am only

 these 40 days
Lent Campaign

Lent is a season of fasting and contemplation that vitally informs our relationship with Christ
 and with others. Our Church-Wide campaign will provide an experience for all ages
 and will inform and transform your Lenten observance. 
Unlike Easter or Christmas, Lent is not a joyful time. At Christmas, we celebrate God becoming flesh and the promise of God’s return, which will make all things new. At Easter, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and how death, sin, and evil no longer have the final say. But in Lent, there is no celebration. We are invited to do something many of us hate: reflect on our brokenness, sin, and need for God. In this season, we are reminded that we are dust (finite), and to dust we shall return. This doesn’t mean we don’t have value. In fact, we have enormous value because we all are created in the image of God. But we must be reminded that we are not God and therefore cannot create or save ourselves. Because of this, we continually need to rely on God’s love and mercy.

By participating in Lent and focusing on our sin and brokenness, we can face the difficult and broken situations of life. Because Lent helps us experience God in our brokenness, and as we experience God in this way during Lent, we are encouraged to experience God in the broken situations we may find ourselves in throughout our lives. But practicing Lent also helps us understand and celebrate the joyful experience of Easter. We cannot fully understand the good news of Easter if we don’t experience the brokenness of Lent.

 That is why we fast, pray, and focus on serving during Lent. These practices help us embrace our need for God and live more humbly in the world
Our Church Wide Campaign will kick off with a contemplative Ash Wednesday Service on March 2nd both online and in person at 7pm. It will continue during each of the 6 Sundays of Lent concluding with our Easter Sunday Celebration on April 17th.

Our Sunday morning Children's Ministries will be participating as well.

In addition to Sunday Services, we will offer a Lenten small group on Wednesdays to further engage in the Lent journey together. There is also an optional daily devotional book for purchase. Use the button below to place a book order.