"No Strings Attached" Food Pantry
Since the start of our church in 1995, church members began collecting food for distribution to the needy on a monthly basis. In 1996 the church was moved to its present location and we began using the Hudson Valley Food Bank services. Since 1998 we've been delivering food on a weekly basis.
Our Mission Statement
Our desire is to distribute food to the working poor of Dutchess County and to reflect Christ to them.
Our Method
We deliver food door to door, building relationships over time with people who call and ask for food. We look for opportunities to encourage and pray with people as circumstances dictate. Our program is designed to be a supplement to people's food needs, not their primary source for food. Those who need food call our church (845-227-7832) and leave their name, address and phone number. A maximum of two new families are accepted each week. Each family receives 3-5 days worth of food distributed in one box of dry goods and one box of frozen food. Boxes are prepared and delivered each week by volunteers.
Our Mission Statement
Our desire is to distribute food to the working poor of Dutchess County and to reflect Christ to them.
Our Method
We deliver food door to door, building relationships over time with people who call and ask for food. We look for opportunities to encourage and pray with people as circumstances dictate. Our program is designed to be a supplement to people's food needs, not their primary source for food. Those who need food call our church (845-227-7832) and leave their name, address and phone number. A maximum of two new families are accepted each week. Each family receives 3-5 days worth of food distributed in one box of dry goods and one box of frozen food. Boxes are prepared and delivered each week by volunteers.
Consider donating to our No Strings Attached Food Pantry and help us as we reach out with the love of Jesus to the working poor of the Hudson Valley.
Some Unique Ideas for Food Donations:
~ Every pantry has pasta and sauce. Donate something you know your family likes! Perhaps BBQ sauce for the chicken we just gave them. 🍗 ~ Buy the healthier cereal! These are parents that want the best for their kids too, just like you! So, make healthier choices in your donations. 🥣
~ Boxed Mac n cheese is always a hit, but only if you have milk and butter. 😞 Donate the box with the premade sauce pack instead. ☺️
~ Feminine hygiene products are like Gold! So are other personal items like deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste/brushes, body wash. None of these products can be purchased with SNAP benefits (food stamps.) 💰
~ Boxed milk is a treasure, as kids need it for cereal which they also get a lot of.🐄
~ Tea bags and coffee make them feel like you care. ❣️
~ Sugar and flour are heavenly treats. 😇
~ They fawn over fresh produce donated by farmers and grocery stores. Maybe you have an overflow of something wonderful from your garden? 🥬🥦
~Cake mixes and frosting makes it possible to make a child’s birthday cake! 🧁