Sunday Services Time 9 & 11 am, on 5th Sundays 10 am only

I've Got Questions!

From page one to the final word, we believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. This diverse collection of ancient books overflows with wisdom for our modern world. As we let the biblical story speak for itself, we believe the message of Jesus will transform individuals and entire communities.
But as week seek to read the Bible, we often have questions- of the bible or of Christianity in general. This is the place to actually ask those questions. Please use the form below to submit your question. Please be as specific as you can. You are not required to leave your name or information if you do not want, but if you want a personal response, then please supply your info. We will do our best to get back to you in one form or another. It may be a personal response; it may be via a video, or it may come in an upcoming sermon series.

May God Bless and transform you as you read and study his word!