Sunday Services Time 9 & 11 am, on 5th Sundays 10 am only


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Join us in our Children's Ministry
All children's ministries meet Sunday Mornings at the 9am service only. Children sit with their families in the sanctuary until they are release to their classes after announcements. Unsure which class to go to? Meet us in the hall after announcements and we will direct you to the appropriate class.

Jr. Kids Church
3 Years Old - Kindergarten

We want to provide a clean, warm and nurturing environment in which our little ones can begin to encounter Jesus. Our weekly lessons teach the children Biblical truths, as well as learning pages, activities and games that are used to keep them active. All supervised by our loving and caring volunteers. It is our goal in the nursery to allow the children to begin to feel the love that Jesus has for them, as well as to introduce them to Bible truths. 

Kids Church
1st Grade-5th Grade

A high energy program that engages children with fast paced and exciting lessons. We will have a corporate worship time, games, bible stories, object lessons, as well as a time to give and receive prayer. It is our goal at KIDS Church to have children grow in their relationship with Jesus, to deepen their understanding of the Bible and to begin to apply these truths to their lives. 

6th Grade -9th Grade

Our Grapple group is designed for pre-teens and teens. It allows them to tackle the tough questions they are asking by: Captivating their attention by tackling real life issues, Engaging their participation through attention grabbing lessons, and Encouraging them to practice their faith. It is the goal of the Grapple group to see our young adults mature in their faith and to be able to apply their faith to the difficult issues that they are faced with everyday